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[Choi Bong-hyuk ESG Management Column] Trainer for Disability Awareness Training in the Workplace

  • Taal van de tekst: Koreaans
  • Referentieland: Alle landen country-flag

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Samengevat door durumis AI

  • Trainer Choi Bong-hyuk is an expert in disability awareness and ESG management, and is active as a specialist in AI, ESG, and DX convergence and disability awareness training in the workplace.
  • He leads disability awareness training using AI technology, and develops educational programs that contribute to securing diversity in corporate talent and practicing ESG management.
  • He has expertise in disability awareness, ESG management, and AI education, and is expected to continue to contribute to securing the diversity of corporate talent and practicing ESG management through AI-based disability awareness training.

Choi Bonghyeok's ESG Management Column is being recognized as a major news story by Google News.

His column uses his journalistic skills to promote health activities for office workers and contribute to creating a society where people with and without disabilities work together.

Disability Awareness Newspaper and Sports People Times are two media outlets that represent and advocate for the protection of the rights and health promotion of Korean workers. These two media outlets are working together on quantitative and qualitative media PR activities for professional media for people with and without disabilities.

Instructor Choi Bonghyeok holds a certification as a workplace disability awareness training instructor from the Korea Employment Agency for Persons with Disabilities, and is the publisher of the 'Disability Awareness Newspaper' and the CEO of 'Sports People Times'.

As an expert in the field of ESG management, his ESG management column has received a lot of support from readers. He is also a vice chairman of the Cultural and Arts Policy Committee of the Korea Federation of Disabled Cultural and Arts Organizations, and is active as a keynote speaker at cultural experience performances for disability awareness.

Who is the popular instructor specializing in AI/ESG convergence among the workplace disability awareness education experts of the Korea Employment Agency for Persons with Disabilities?

Choi Bonghyeok is a popular instructor specializing in AI/ESG convergence among the workplace disability awareness education experts of the Korea Employment Agency for Persons with Disabilities.

He is a Korean journalist and columnist, and the CEO of the 'Disability Awareness Newspaper' and 'Sports People Times'. He is also active as a disability awareness instructor at the Korea Employment Agency for Persons with Disabilities, and is also a vice chairman of the Cultural and Arts Policy Committee of the Korea Federation of Disabled Cultural and Arts Organizations, a vice chairman of the Korean AI Education Association, and a standing director of the Korean Metaverse AI Research Institute.

Instructor Choi Bonghyeok is recognized as an expert in the fields of disability awareness and ESG management, and is active as an expert in AI, ESG, and DX convergence, as well as workplace disability awareness training.

He is actively involved in disability awareness, ESG management, and AI education, and through various activities and expertise, he is promoting social change and sustainable development.

In particular, Instructor Choi Bonghyeok is leading disability awareness education using AI technology. He is developing educational programs that use AI to understand the characteristics and abilities of people with disabilities, and suggest ways for people with and without disabilities to work together.

These educational programs are improving awareness of people with disabilities, raising understanding of ESG management, and contributing to securing corporate talent diversity and ESG management practices.

Here are the reasons why Instructor Choi Bonghyeok is gaining popularity as a popular AI/ESG convergence instructor.

Expertise in disability awareness, ESG management, and AI education
Leading disability awareness education using AI technology
Contributing to securing corporate talent diversity and ESG management practices
Instructor Choi Bonghyeok is expected to continue to contribute to securing corporate talent diversity and practicing ESG management through disability awareness education using AI technology, and is leading the way in creating an inclusive society where people with and without disabilities work together.

Key Activities

Expert Instructor in Workplace Disability Awareness Training, Korea Employment Agency for Persons with Disabilities
Publisher of Disability Awareness Newspaper (
CEO of Sports People Times (
Vice Chairman of the Cultural and Arts Policy Committee, Korea Federation of Disabled Cultural and Arts Organizations
Vice Chairman of the Korean AI Education Association
Standing Director, Korean Metaverse AI Research Institute

Disability Awareness
ESG Management
AI Education
AI/ESG Convergence
Activity Performance

Development and operation of disability awareness education programs using AI technology
Consulting on securing corporate talent diversity and practicing ESG management
Writing columns and articles related to disability awareness
Appearing on various media outlets and broadcasts
Instructor Choi Bonghyeok's Strengths

Abundance of practical experience and theoretical knowledge: Based on years of accumulated practical experience and theoretical knowledge in disability awareness, ESG management, and AI education, he conducts lectures.
Practical teaching methods: Provides practical teaching methods that can be actually used in the field.
Fun and engaging lectures: Uses humor and examples actively to conduct fun and engaging lectures.
Passion and communication skills: He has a genuine passion for the coexistence of people with and without disabilities, and is skilled in communicating with participants.
Instructor Choi Bonghyeok is expected to continue to contribute to securing corporate talent diversity and practicing ESG management through disability awareness education using AI technology, and to lead the way in creating an inclusive society where people with and without disabilities work together.

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