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[ESG-managementkolom] AI en digitale ecosystemen moderniseren... Link met beleid voor inclusie van mensen met een handicap

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Samengevat door durumis AI

  • AI en digitale technologie zijn belangrijke hulpmiddelen voor het versterken van ESG-management van bedrijven, en zijn vooral belangrijk om de sociale verantwoordelijkheid van bedrijven te versterken en inclusieve en duurzame groei te bevorderen in combinatie met beleid voor inclusie van mensen met een handicap.
  • Door de invoering van AI-gebaseerde toegankelijkheidsfuncties, het creëren van een onbevooroordeelde wervingssysteem en het creëren van een veilige en inclusieve werkomgeving kunnen mensen met een handicap nieuwe kansen krijgen en de sociale verantwoordelijkheid van bedrijven worden versterkt.
  • Bedrijven moeten AI-technologie actief gebruiken om milieuproblemen op te lossen, sociale verantwoordelijkheid te nemen en een transparante governance op te zetten om hun wereldwijde concurrentievermogen te versterken.

[ESG-managementkolom] AI en digitale ecosystemen moderniseren... Link met beleid voor inclusie van mensen met een handicap

[ESG-managementkolom] AI en digitale ecosystemen moderniseren... Link met beleid voor inclusie van mensen met een handicap

Disability awareness newspaper = Columnist Choi Bong-hyeok (AI·ESG·DX convergence expert, expert in disability awareness education in the workplace) The development of AI and digital technology is bringing about innovative changes in corporate ESG management, and as a result, it is becoming an important factor in strengthening global competitiveness. In this column, we will analyze the impact of these technologies on ESG management through real-life examples and statistics, and in particular, examine their linkage with disability inclusion policies.

Environmental aspects: Energy efficiency and carbon emissions reduction
First, let's look at examples of how AI technology is helping to improve energy efficiency and reduce carbon emissions in the environmental field. Siemens, a global German manufacturing company, has implemented an AI-based smart factory system at its plants to optimize energy use. This system uses AI to analyze machine operating data in real time and suggest ways to reduce energy waste. As a result, Siemens has reduced energy consumption by more than 15% and achieved cost savings of millions of euros per year.

In addition, AI is playing an important role in carbon emissions management. Global technology company Microsoft uses AI at its data centers to monitor carbon emissions and develop optimal strategies to reduce them. Microsoft has set a goal of achieving carbon neutrality by 2030 and removing all carbon emissions it has emitted by 2050. AI technology is playing a key role in achieving these goals, and in fact, Microsoft reduced its carbon emissions by 15% in 2020 alone.

Social aspects: Increasing diversity and inclusion
AI technology is also helping to strengthen social responsibility and increase diversity and inclusion. A prime example is eBay, a global commerce company, which has implemented an AI-based recruitment system to achieve unbiased recruitment. This system is designed to make hiring decisions based solely on ability and experience, excluding information such as the applicant's resume, gender, or race. As a result, eBay has significantly increased the hiring rate of women and minorities, and increased overall employee diversity by over 30%.
In addition, AI technology is helping a diverse range of talent, including people with disabilities, to work in a more inclusive environment. For example, IBM has introduced AI-based accessibility features into its office environment. This technology helps employees with disabilities perform their jobs more easily, and this support is helping to increase the employment rate of people with disabilities. IBM has increased the percentage of people with disabilities employed worldwide by more than 10%, which is considered a successful example of disability inclusion policy.

Governance aspects: Strengthening transparency and risk management
AI is also helping to strengthen transparency and risk management in terms of corporate governance. Walmart has implemented a supply chain management system that combines blockchain and AI to transparently manage the origin and movement of products. This system tracks the entire process from farm to consumer, contributing to ensuring product quality and safety. Walmart has reduced food safety incidents by over 30% through this system, significantly increasing consumer trust.
In addition, AI-based risk management systems are being introduced in the financial sector. JP Morgan uses AI to monitor market risk and operational risk in real time and develop rapid responses. This system has contributed to reducing JP Morgan's financial risk by over 25% in 2019 alone, and this success is becoming the foundation for sustainable growth.

Linkage with disability inclusion policies
Finally, these AI technologies and digital innovations can be closely linked to disability inclusion policies. Companies can strengthen the social aspects of ESG management by providing an inclusive environment for people from diverse backgrounds, including people with disabilities. Introducing AI-based accessibility features, building unbiased recruitment systems, and creating safe and inclusive work environments will provide new opportunities for people with disabilities and contribute to strengthening corporate social responsibility.

AI and digital technology are important tools for strengthening corporate ESG management, and this is becoming an essential factor in strengthening global competitiveness. In particular, linking with disability inclusion policies will play a major role in strengthening corporate social responsibility and pursuing inclusive and sustainable growth. Companies should actively utilize these technologies to address environmental problems, fulfill their social responsibilities, and build transparent governance. Furthermore, they should strive to strengthen global competitiveness by cooperating with the government to establish AI industry ecosystems and establish AI ethical standards.

-Choi Bong-hyeok columnist-
Vice President of the Korean AI·ESG Education Association
Director of the Korean Purchasing and Procurement Society (Planning Committee Chair)
Director of the Korean Media Information Technology Association
Publisher of Sports People Times
Publisher of Disability Awareness Newspaper
Korean Federation of Disabled Persons' Cultural and Arts Organizations
Vice Chair of the Cultural and Arts Policy Committee
Disability Awareness Training Expert in the Workplace

#ESG #Sustainable Development #Eco-friendly #Environmental Protection #Climate Change #Carbon Neutrality #Green Growth #Environmental Management #Save The Earth #Future Generations

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