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Post Office Financial Development Institute, Special Lecture by Choi Bong-hyuk, an expert in ChatGPT Generative AI

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Von durumis AI zusammengefasster Text

  • Choi Bong-hyuk, Director of the Korea AI Education Association, conducted an 8-week AI training for 20 employees of the Post Office Financial Development Institute.
  • This training focused on practical training using Udio and GENAI generative AI, with a particular emphasis on detecting biases in AI models and fact-checking training.
  • The Korea AI Education Association conducted the training with the goal of strengthening expertise and ethical competence in the AI field, contributing to the enhancement of AI utilization skills of Post Office Financial Development Institute employees.

Post Office Financial Development Institute, Special Lecture by Choi Bong-hyeok, an expert in generative AI from ChatGPT

Choi Bong-hyeok, the head of the training institute and vice president of the Korea AI Education Association (President, Professor Moon Hyung-nam, Sookmyung Women's University), conducted a Udio and GENAI generative AI training course at the Post Office Financial Development Institute on the 16th at the institute's main conference room.

This course is being conducted by the Korea AI Education Association and the ESG Metaverse Research Institute at the request of the Post Office Financial Development Institute, a public institution, providing 8 weeks of AI training to 20 employees of the Post Office Financial Development Institute.

The Post Office Financial Development Institute, under the Ministry of Science and ICT, designated an AI Chief Responsibility Officer (CAIO) and AI Officer for the first time among public institutions, and to enable them to actively utilize AI, it has been conducting practical AI training every Thursday from 4 pm to 6 pm for 8 weeks from April 11th to May 30th.

The educational programs conducted on this day are as follows:

Udio course

Udio AI uses advanced algorithms and machine learning technologies to autonomously generate music.

Udio AI can create music in real time, making it possible to play a direct role in content creation that promotes SNS blogs and financial products.

Choi Bong-hyeok, an AI and ESG instructor, conducted training on various topics such as machine learning, deep learning, and natural language processing through Udio.

GENAI course

GenAI (Generative AI Content) is an innovative technology that uses artificial intelligence technology to create various types of content such as text, images, music, and videos.

Unlike conventional artificial intelligence technologies, this technology focuses on directly generating new content.

GenAI operates using various artificial intelligence technologies such as machine learning, deep learning, and natural language processing, and creates new content from learning data.

Unlike narrow AI designed for specific tasks, GenAI aims to make it possible to perform all intellectual tasks that humans can do, making it versatile and adaptable, playing a role as a secretary to contribute to work capacity.

Choi Bong-hyeok, an AI and ESG instructor, conducted practical training on GENAI, focusing on detecting model bias, data privacy, fairness, etc., through fact-checking.

Moon Hyung-nam, president of the Korea AI Education Association, said, "Through the education of Udio and GENAI fact-checking, the goal of Choi Bong-hyeok's education, we have improved the educational achievement by guiding work capabilities that can perform more professional and ethical roles in the field of AI."

Meanwhile, mBank, a global bank headquartered in Poland, sent 19 employees selected from its in-house "Innovative Ideas Contest" to Korea, the "global capital of innovation," for training, and requested AI education from Professor Moon Hyung-nam, president of the Korea AI Education Association, who successfully completed the training.

mBank was established in 1986 and has a history of 36 years. mBank has 57 million retail customers, 34 million active mobile banking users, 33,000 corporate customers, and 10,000 employees.

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