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[Wish Fulfillment Buddhist Prayer] Baekjung Prayer

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Summarized by durumis AI

  • Through Baekjung prayer, we pray for the enlightenment of our deceased parents and ancestors, and while reflecting on the Buddha's compassionate teachings, we vow to abandon greed, anger, and delusion, and to live a life filled with compassion and wisdom.
  • Through the merit of Baekjung prayer, we pray that our family, relatives, and all living beings will be freed from suffering and move toward the path of enlightenment, and we vow to live a righteous life with our body, speech, and mind.
  • Quoting the Buddhist scripture that states that those who chant Amitabha Buddha's name and believe will be reborn in the Pure Land, we pray to practice the Buddha's teachings through Baekjung prayer and strive for the salvation of all living beings.

The Baekjung Prayer
Namo Amitabha

Baekjung Prayer with the Venerable Monks

1. The Reason for Our Gathering

We extend our deepest respects to the monks who walk the glorious path of the Bodhisattva.

Today, through the Baekjung Prayer, we express our gratitude and respect for our departed mothers and fathers,
our ancestors,
and sincerely pray for their rebirth in the Pure Land.

2. The Origin and Meaning of Baekjung Prayer

According to the wise teachings of Buddhism,

Mudeon, a disciple of Shakyamuni Buddha,
began the Baekjung Prayer to save his suffering mother.
Through this, we understand the compassionate teachings of Buddha and remember our duty to strive for the salvation of all beings.

3. Quotes from Buddhist Scriptures

Following the teachings of Buddha,

as stated in the scriptures,

"Guide all beings to the path of enlightenment through practice." - The 80,000 Teachings of Buddha
"All beings inherently possess Buddhahood. Anyone can reach the Pure Land by purifying their mind." - The Diamond Sutra
"The death of a beloved one is sorrowful, but we can find solace through the truth of immortality." - The Lotus Sutra
4. Our Hopes Through the Baekjung Prayer

With sincere prayers,

through the Baekjung Prayer, we wish for the following:

May our departed mothers, fathers, and ancestors be reborn in the Pure Land and enjoy eternal peace.
May our entire family be united, healthy, and live according to the teachings of Buddhism.
May all beings be freed from suffering and find the path to enlightenment.
5. Conclusion

With gratitude,

through the Baekjung Prayer today,
we express our gratitude and respect to the departed and
reflect upon the teachings of Buddhism.

Baekjung Prayer for the Ullambana Festival
Namo Amitabha

1. The Reason for Our Gathering

Venerable monks and members of the congregation, we gather here today to pay our sincere respects to Shakyamuni Buddha, who illuminates the three realms and adorns the ten directions with virtue, and to offer prayers for the well-being of our parents and ancestors.

2. Acknowledgement and Repentance of Our Wrongdoings

In the past, we were trapped by greed, anger, and delusion, leading a life of darkness and emptiness. We deeply regret that our actions brought sin and suffering not only to ourselves but also to those around us.

3. Reflecting Upon Buddha's Teachings

Today, we reaffirm our commitment to reflect upon the wise teachings of Shakyamuni Buddha, repent for our wrongdoings, and cleanse our minds. We vow to abandon greed, anger, and delusion and to live a life filled with compassion and wisdom.

4. Gratitude to Our Parents and Ancestors

Our beloved parents and ancestors served as guides in our lives, nurturing us with endless love and sacrifice. The pain of not having fully repaid their kindness lingers in our hearts. We express our heartfelt gratitude to our parents and ancestors and pray for their attainment of the Pure Land through their virtues.

5. Dedication of Merit

Through the merit of this Baekjung Prayer, we pray for our family, relatives, and all beings to be freed from afflictions and suffering and to progress on the path of enlightenment. We also wish for peace and happiness to spread throughout the universe.

6. Determination and Prayer

From this day forward, we resolve to live righteously with our body, speech, and mind. We vow to eliminate greed, anger, and delusion, practice Buddha's teachings through a life filled with compassion and wisdom, and strive for the salvation of all beings.

Namo Amitabha

[Quotes from Buddhist Scriptures]

The Lotus Sutra and the Sutra of Immeasurable Life: "Those who hear the name of the Immeasurable Life Như Lai, those who recite that name, those who praise that name, those who remember that name, those who offer offerings to that name, those who speak of that name, those who preach that name, and those who listen to that name will all be born in the Pure Land."

The Amitabha Sutra: "Among the six realms of existence – hell, hungry ghosts, animals, asuras, humans, and gods – even if a being is in great suffering, without a moment of peace, crying out in agony, if they sincerely recite Amitabha's name and believe in that Buddha, they will be able to be reborn in the Pure Land."

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