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[Kolumna ESG] Standardy międzynarodowe dla firm: ISO, GRI, UN Global Compact

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Tekst podsumowany przez sztuczną inteligencję durumis

  • Opis krok po kroku procesu uzyskania certyfikacji zgodnej z międzynarodowymi standardami, takimi jak ISO, GRI, UN Global Compact, z jasnym przedstawieniem celów i metod na każdym etapie.
  • Omówienie całego procesu, od przygotowania do certyfikacji po audyty zewnętrzne, utrzymanie i ponowną certyfikację, ze szczególnym naciskiem na ciągłe monitorowanie i szkolenia.
  • Zaleca się korzystanie z najnowszych informacji dostępnych na oficjalnych stronach internetowych poszczególnych organów certyfikujących oraz z różnorodnych usług certyfikacji i oceny w celu wspierania zarządzania ESG.

[ESG Management Column] Companies are ISO, GRI, UN Global Compact. International Standards

The article systematically explains the procedures and analysis criteria that must be followed to obtain international certification, and organizes it in a way that other companies can apply it. This includes understanding each standard, the preparation process, and how to actually apply it.

1. Certification preparation process

1.1 Setting certification goals
Goal Identification: Companies need to decide which certifications they want to target, such as ISO, GRI, or UN Global Compact international standards.
Understanding the Importance: Evaluate the importance of each certification and its impact on the company.

1.2 Initial assessment and self-diagnosis

Current Status Analysis: Companies need to conduct a self-diagnosis to assess how well their current operations and management systems meet each certification standard.

Gap Analysis: Identify the gap between the required standards and the current status to clearly define the areas that need improvement.

2. Approach based on each certification standard

2.1 ISO certification (e.g., ISO 14001, ISO 26000)
System Development: Develop or improve management systems in accordance with relevant ISO standards.
Documentation: Document procedures, policies, and performance so that they can be presented during the ISO audit process.
Internal audit: Conduct an internal audit prior to the certification audit to finalize the readiness check.

2.2 GRI (Global Reporting Initiative)
Sustainability reporting: Evaluate the impact of corporate activities on sustainability and prepare reports according to GRI standards.
Maintain transparency: Ensure data accuracy and transparency throughout the reporting process.

2.3 UN Global Compact
Compliance with principles: Integrate the ten principles of human rights, labor, environment, and anti-corruption into corporate operations.
Activity report preparation: Regularly review compliance status and submit annual reports to the UN Global Compact.

3. Certification application and evaluation

3.1 Cooperation with the certification body
Selection of a certification body: Select an appropriate certification body and understand the application process.
Certification application: Prepare all necessary documents and evidence and submit them to the certification body.

3.2 External audit and evaluation
External audit: Receive an external audit conducted by the certification body.
Receipt of results: Based on the audit results, confirm whether or not the certification is granted and take additional improvement measures if necessary.

4. Continuous improvement after certification

4.1 Continuous monitoring and improvement

Monitoring: After receiving certification, companies must continuously monitor internal processes and systems to ensure that they continuously meet certification standards.
Improvement plan: Develop and implement an improvement plan for any problems or areas with improvement potential identified during the monitoring process.
4.2 Education and awareness raising

Training programs: Provide employees with regular training programs to raise their awareness of the importance of certification standards and their understanding of company policies and procedures.
Awareness raising: Plan and implement activities to raise awareness of the value of certification and the company's sustainability goals both internally and externally.

4.3 Maintaining and re-certifying certification

Maintaining certification: Most certifications have a validity period, so regular re-assessments are required to maintain certification.
Preparing for re-certification: Prepare for the re-certification process in a similar way to the initial certification process, but approach it by incorporating learnings and improvements from the previous certification process.

4.4 Communication with stakeholders

Communication plan: Develop a plan for effective communication with stakeholders about certification results and continuous improvement efforts.
Transparency: Communicate transparently with stakeholders about the certification process, improvement measures, and results to build trust and maintain sustainable relationships.

The certification process is not simply about obtaining certification, but an important process for companies to practice sustainability and build trust with internal and external stakeholders. Therefore, continuous monitoring, education, communication, and improvement efforts are essential after certification. Through this process, companies can strengthen their foundation for sustainable development and enhance their competitiveness.

The ISO certification, GRI (Global Reporting Initiative), and UN Global Compact certification processes are organized by site, according to their approach and business objectives. This process allows companies to improve accessibility and prepare for certification more efficiently.

In order to obtain certification for excellence in ESG (environmental, social, and governance) management, you can be certified through various organizations. However, my knowledge is limited to September 2021, so you should check the official websites of these organizations for the latest information. Below are some organizations that can be recommended for ESG management certification and links to check each step:

GRI (Global Reporting Initiative): Provides international standards for sustainability reporting.

Official site:
Certification process: GRI's official website provides reporting procedures and guidelines in accordance with GRI standards. It focuses on preparing reports that comply with GRI standards, rather than on 'direct certification'.

ISO 26000: Non-certification international standard that provides guidance on social responsibility.

Official site:
Procedure: ISO 26000 is not a certification standard, but provides guidelines for organizations to realize social responsibility. Therefore, it is not a direct certification site, but can be referred to as part of ESG management.

SASB (Sustainability Accounting Standards Board): Provides sustainability accounting standards for specific industries.

Official site:
Procedure: Companies can disclose sustainability information according to SASB standards. The SASB website provides industry specific standards and reporting guidance.

CDP (Carbon Disclosure Project): An organization that helps companies and governments manage and disclose greenhouse gas emissions, water use, and deforestation.

Official site:
Procedure: CDP provides questionnaires for companies to disclose environmental information. This allows companies to be assessed for their environmental performance.

In addition, you can use ESG-related certification or evaluation services provided by ESG rating agencies or financial institutions in each country. It is important to visit the official websites of these organizations to confirm the latest information and procedures.

Source: [ESG Management Column] Companies Need to Know About ISO, GRI, and UN Global Compact. International Standards: Disability Awareness Newspaper -

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